Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Taste Again

Psalm 34:8 O taste and see that the Lord is good....

Some years ago there was a cereal commercial whose punch line was..."taste them again for the first time".....this was a corporate attempt of a long standing traditional cereal maker to entice the public to take another look at their product.  The whole idea was to encourage those who had tried the cereal to try them again with a renewed expectation. As we taste of the goodness of God we continue to grow in our desire for more. For many it might be that you need to taste of His goodness again for the first time. The one constant attribute of God is that He is Good!!!  His persona, which includes all of His attributes begins with and flows from His Goodness!!!! There is nothing we can do, think or say that changes that fact. When our relationship with God looses its savor it's time to taste Him again for the first time.

If events in the world that seem to come without any explanation as to purpose, respect and value to human life has caused you to doubt the goodness of God I encourage you to "taste him again for the first time".


  1. Renewed Understanding.....Our ability of understanding God comes through Holy Spirit revelation. I  Corinthians 2:14 a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them because they are spiritually appraised, discerned or understood. In verse 11 of this chapter we learn that the thoughts of God are understood by the Spirit of God, which is the Holy Spirit. Then as we look at verse 12 we find that the Holy Spirit helps us know the things freely given to us by God.  There are many things that we receive from God that this posting will not have time to list, but let me remind you that when you received Christ you received His Grace, and that is enough!!!!
  2. Renewed Expectation........When you think of "expectation" you think of Faith and think of those things you look forward to. Expectation is looking forward with prospect of something good. When we renew our minds again on the Goodness of God we are then able to live with expectation. Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the assurance (or evidence) of things hoped for...or things we can expect from God. So, I encourage you to begin again to expect good things from your Father. Just like with the Prodigal Son, the expectation of the law and religion is to be condemned  because that's what we deserve; but God's Grace brings out the best robe and celebrates the fact that we are accepted in the Beloved!!
  3. Renewed Love......In Revelation chapter 2 we find that the church at Ephesus had left their first love. They had put forth a lot of effort with good deeds, perseverance and avoidance of evil, however they needed a renewed taste of love. When our relationship with God is based on anything other than the pure Love that God extends, we miss the mark. So, let's rediscover the Love God has for us and in return we will recover the Love we have for Him!!

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